Water-bodies Conservation


ater is to the Earth as blood is to our body. It nourishes and replenishes the Earth, covering 70% of its surface. One might think why we talk of water scarcity when we have so much water. The water we can actually consume is but a tiny fraction of this 70%. Freshwater constitutes 3% of all water, 2/3rd of which is stockpiled in glaciers or otherwise unavailable to us for use.

25% of India’s population lives in water scarce regions, where the water per capita available for consumption is less than 1000 cubic metres per year. Of the twenty major rivers, fourteen are already facing water stress and it is estimated that they are moving towards extreme water scarcity by 2050. Our lakes and aquifers are drying up or becoming too polluted. Climate change is playing havoc on the rainfall patterns, bringing floods to some regions and droughts to other. Inefficient irrigation, population growth and industries are all doing nothing to ease the worsening stress on water resources.


Gujarat and specifically, the city of Vadodara are no exceptions. In Gujarat, even regions with otherwise plentiful surface water sources are getting affected as creeks and rivers are turning into black cesspools due to industrial pollution, reducing the biodiversity and regenerative capacity of its water bodies. Coastal areas in this western state have seen a 15% decline in fish stocks, and many rivers are facing extinction of aquatic creatures. The regions of Kutch and Saurashtra are no strangers to regular water shortages. The rest of the state is fast approaching a water shortage crisis. Ground water resources are not adequate to meet water demands of the State.

As things stand today, 2/3rd of world population faces a future with water shortage by 2025. Ecosystems are going to suffer and get damaged even more. We at Pagdand are committed to put an end to this. Our goal is to spread the message and promote community based water management projects.



Water pollutants have many sources: fertilisers, pesticides, untreated human wastewater and industrial waste. These toxic substances are not just being released into lakes and rivers, but also penetrating the soil and polluting groundwater aquifers.

Climate Change

Climate patterns are changing as more and more greenhouse gases enter the atmosphere, heating up the planet at a faster rate than normal. This is affecting rainfall patterns as well, weak monsoons in the South Asia regions being the evidence of this. 60% of India’s farmlands are dependent on the monsoons and more than half of the country’s workforce is engaged in agriculture. Rising temperatures will cause some glaciers to soon disappear as well, affecting entire communities that depend on freshwater from rivers that originate from these glaciers. These changes will worsen water availability for domestic consumption, agriculture, energy production and ecosystems.

Climate Change affects surface water resources directly through changes in the major long-term climate variables such as air temperature, precipitation, and evapotranspiration.

Population Growth

India’s population is estimated to surpass China by 2022. Currently, 1/5th of the world’s population resides in India. The more people there are, the lesser water available per capita. Coupled with unsustainable water management policies and practices, population growth is not helping in improving an already water stressed country.


Massive deforestation since the 90s has resulted in the weakening of monsoons in the South Asia region, causing a decline of 18% in precipitation across India.

Lack of Rainwater Harvesting

Every year, the massive amount of water in the form of rain is wasted, by drying up or flowing into the sea. There is a serious lack of rainwater harvesting practices by both the population as well as the government.


Millions of People don’t have Water

Around 330 million people in India lack adequate supply of clean water. Without water to feed crops or industries or humans themselves, the country will soon face economic decline. Inadequate water sanitation has also led to widespread water borne diseases like cholera and typhoid fever across India.

A recent study by the Gujarat Ecological Society (GES) has revealed that the quality of groundwater in Vadodara is fast deteriorating. At this rate, Vadodara, a city that depends on groundwater for more than 80% of its drinking water requirements, is fast heading to a drinking water crisis.

Vanishing Wetlands

Gujarat has one of the most diverse kinds of wetlands in the country including mangroves, coral reefs, beaches, mudflats, tidal flats, flood plain systems and fresh water lakes and reservoirs. However, industrialization and consequent urbanization has brought environmental degradation inland and pressures on the bio diversity of the coastal ecosystems.

Wetlands provide a large number of ecosystem services. Inland wetlands are important water resources replenishing groundwater and sub-soil aquifers. Coastal wetlands, including mangroves and coral reefs, often function as natural barriers against saltwater intrusion, protecting coastal land and inland water habitats. Wetlands play a significant role in mitigating the effects of disasters like floods, droughts and cyclones on communities. Wetlands are home to a rich variety of mammals, birds, reptiles and fish, and are hence vital ecosystems.


Promoting Awareness to become a Water surplus society

Around 1/5th of the world population today lives in regions plagued by water scarcity.

Water is the life and blood of our planet. But water scarcity may soon become all of our reality. Securing Water is securing our Future. We invite you to join our endeavour to create a water surplus society and bring an end to global water crisis.

Making Rainwater Harvesting accessible to everyone



Water is the source of all life and the source of water is Rain. Our ancestors were experts in catching and storing the Rain. It is time to draw on their wisdom and tap into the vast potential that rainwater harvesting presents. Do you know that harnessing the deluge of the monsoon could take care of most of our basic water needs for an entire year! Join the water conservation movement and take control of your own water supply. We at Pagdand can help you set up your very own Rainwater Harvesting system.

Making Water Everyone’s Responsibility

More than 50% of India’s population faces high to extremely high water stress. And reports suggest that most of this is caused by us humans. And it is only going to get worse.

The good news is that each of us can do our part in reducing water stress as much as possible by controlling our daily water consumption. Our Water Expert can assist you in getting Water Audited and identify key areas for improvement.

Contact Us on +91-9099810420, or mail us on care@pagdand.org